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The Renewal Bible Study

Dedicated to informing and challenging Christians for the renewing of their mind.

Location: United States

Friday, August 25, 2006

"Emergency Contraception" Without Prescription

And so the country continues to go downhill as the FDA has announced that women 18 and older can now buy the "morning after" pill without a prescription. Of course, that's just not acceptable to those in Planned Parenthood who are "troubled" that there is an age restriction at all. How pathetic.

I remember about 5 years ago, I was debating with a Left-leaning Christian woman who actually argued for better contraception and sex education for kids because it will help in bridging the idea of abstinence. As she put it, it is like a person who needs dialysis until there is a permanent cure for her kidney.

Of course, her analogy fails to recognize that sinful people want their dialysis because having a healthy kidney just isn't fun. Sadly, I never got to reply to her analogy because I was never able to finish the 20+ page email concerning this subject, as well as education, gun control, and government.

And so the floodgate of unfettered promiscuity has been opened.

Forget the consequences! You can pop a pill and play harlot without having God bless you! No longer will you be at risk of being on Maury Povich or any of the disgusting talkshows! DNA testings to discover who fathered your child will be a thing of the past!

This may not be the abortion pill, but we've already gone this far. Who is to say that the abortion pill won't be next to be approved? For now, this blatant stupidity on the part of government isn't going to solve the problem. It's just going to "cover up" (Ha! A failed attempt in preventing "unwanted" pregnancies!) the symptoms, and before you know it, it's a full blown problem! Oh wait...we're already there. Fuel for the fire anyone?


Blogger Soli Deo Gloria said...

I have no doubt in my mind that God will preserve His Bride through all this, but I fear that cleansing must come first if no national repentence is coming forth. It's a situation, not unlike the Israelites, where God's temporal judgment must come upon the nation that even the faithful will suffer along. I pray that I am wrong.

5:01 PM  

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