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The Renewal Bible Study

Dedicated to informing and challenging Christians for the renewing of their mind.

Location: United States

Sunday, February 26, 2006

My Pastor's Article

On Thursday, February 16, my pastor, Paul Viggiano, wrote an article for the Daily Breeze, a local newspaper, entitled "Just Unhappy Cosmic Accidents?" (The Daily Breeze has archived the article, but I was able to copy it. It is posted here.) The article is quite insightful concerning what is being taught in the public schools today. With the Intelligent Design curriculum being struck down in Philadelphia, one has to wonder if the teaching of evolution is having an impact on our kids today. In speaking with students a month ago:

"I conveyed that they, perhaps unwittingly, had been taught that their presence on this Earth was a mere accident and that they were themselves accidents."

How did the students respond?

"They were savvy. They seemed to pick up on the spiritual and psychological consequences of such a proposition."

In Paul's article, he touches upon the fact that such an evolutionist mindset is killing our kids. By boiling down their origin to primordial goo, they are practically dehumanized. Anyone else want to venture as to what other areas have dehumanized people?

Ideas do have consequences, and some slopes are more slippery than others. One only has to look at the 20th Century to see the mass devastation some ideas have had on humanity. Godless governments of Nazi Germany and Communist Soviet Union destroyed lives in the tens of millions (some estimate the total of about 25+ million). And in 1973, our very own "Christian" nation ruled in favor of abortion, causing an estimated 40+ million deaths of unborn children.

My pastor's article touches upon a not-so-small segment of the population, and what a segment it is. These are children whose lives were not cut short by an outside decision, but now are making their own decisions to end their lives or head down a path of destruction (and sometimes they bring others down with them). At least they do not face such a godless government (at least, not yet) that would seek to destroy them for its own ideology, as Germany and Russia did with its own citizens. Who knows? Maybe if they survive long enough in their godless, Darwinist mindset, they may just become those kind of bloodthirsty leaders for our country.

But all hope is not lost since we place all our hope in Christ. In every sphere of our lives, we need to proclaim Christ as King and God as the one who gives meaning in our lives. Between the adults having to face their ever-growing godless government and the aborted babies, there is the children. By letting them know that they are "fearfully and wonderfully made", not only will their lives be saved from themselves, but perhaps they will be the leaders who bring back God into the government and eradicate abortion.

Yes, ideas do have consequences, for bad and for good.

In Christ,



Blogger SOB said...

apparently you have to be a paying member to read the full article. Anybody still have a copy of it?

1:35 PM  
Blogger Soli Deo Gloria said...

I'll see if I can snag a copy somewhere.

12:23 PM  

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